Do You Want To Get Better In Networking?

Do You Want To Get Better In Networking?

Originally published here

Answer this first — are you a trustworthy person?

There are three types of trust

In the workplace, there are three types of trust:

  • Task-based trust is based on someone’s ability to do the task at hand.
  • Reputation-based trust, which is based on someone’s past.
  • Relationship-based trust, which is based on a long-term relationship with someone.

Building trust with a stranger

Now we know three types of trust; how do we use this, especially you meet someone for the first time at a networking event?

The core of networking: relationship-based trust

This is the core of networking. What trust does is that it can help others overlook uncertainties about you. It also allows others to see you differently and gives them the impetus to want to help you. It is not about what you can do for them, but rather what they can do for you. Once relationship-based trust is established, networking becomes a two-way street that can help you achieve great things.

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Uncertainty vs. Trust

It’s like being on a blind date. You put your best self forward and hope that the other person will like what they see. You start a conversation by asking some questions to gauge the person. You are beginning to chip away a big ball of uncertainty and chipping away piece by piece. As you replace an element of uncertainty with predictability, you begin to build trust that he/she will begin to behave a certain way. There is always a certain level of uncertainty in any new relationship, but if you can build trust, then the relationship has a chance to flourish.

Networking sequence

Building a professional relationship usually follows this pattern: 1. He has the skills or expertise in the industry that is valued. 2. He is technically proficient and has a track record of working well with others in delivering for his stakeholders as promised. 3. After interacting with this person over weeks/months, I like working with him.

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