3 Things That I’m Doing During This Lockdown

3 Things That I’m Doing During This Lockdown

Originally published here

For a short video of this article go here

Things that I would have never done

Hello! I am writing this blog post to share some of the things that I have been doing during this lockdown. Some of you might have heard about the lockdown in Sydney Australia. It’s been 2 1/2 months. This has been extremely hard for everyone. Approaching the vaccination rate of 70%-80%, it looks like we are looking at a few more weeks before we are let out.

Most of us are working from home while homeschooling our kids. I feel fortunate… I still got a job and my kids are adopting fine. However, unlike last year’s lockdown, I decided to do some things that I wouldn’t normally do including writing articles for Medium. I figured there is no point in being frustrated and angry at our politicians for locking us in because they didn’t have the foresight to sign up for Pfizer shots when it was originally offered. So here are the things that I have done in the last 5 weeks.

1. Start writing about work and life on Medium

I have written over 10 articles since the end of August. I found it to be a creative outlet. It has been a great outlet for all the things that are going around and around my head.

It has been a great experience getting views and claps. I even had one article with 10K+ views and people retweeting my articles. Honestly, I needed that.

2. I created a personal blogging website

3. Pinterest pins for my blog articles

Again, I turned to YouTube for guidance. What is a Pin? It seems simple enough: create an image with some words on the topic of your article. The image is pinned to Pinterest and will link back to your blogging website article with the description of “My writing about _____” where you fill in the blank. That’s all there was to it, create a pin!

I created pins for my blog articles on Medium using Canva. I even learned to schedule pins. The idea was that I can drive traffic to my articles on Medium and my website.

I have no idea where this is leading to. I do not see myself as a blogger…. yet. I am not counting on making a living from the few dollars that you earn from Medium. But it’s been really fun doing all this stuff that I would have never done. Maybe this is the start of something interesting?

Please leave any suggestion of what else I should look into in the comment below.